Chronic Illness

Illness and pain took your life away

Your world looks different than you ever could have imagined.

But just as painful as the pain in your body is the sense of loneliness and disconnect that you feel from your partner, friends, and greater community.

After all, no one gets what it is like to have chronic illness.

Your relationships could be your foundation.

Here’s the thing; when there’s conflict and tension in your relationship, it increases the stress levels in your body.

And, what we know about stress hormones is that they increase inflammation and exacerbate symptoms of illness and impede healing.

Heal your relationships, and your bodies will have more space to heal as well.

Standing Together

Imagine for a second, what it would feel like to not be alone in this.

To have a therapist who (personally) gets it and to have your partner or family right there by your side.

If you are a partner of someone in pain, it can also be a paralyzing and life-changing feeling. It’s hard to know what to do and how to show up. Despite your best intentions, it feels like you’re constantly failing.

This is where couples therapy comes in.

I know therapy can feel like the last thing on your list of priorities as you struggle to keep your head above water, financially and practically.

But being able to cope as a couple will create a solid foundation for you to stand on moving forward and will expedite your healing.

I can help you (and your partner) adapt to the challenges of illness and caretaking as they come, and to get both of your needs met as you venture into this unfamiliar territory.

Call (970) 528-0378 today to schedule a free consultation.